Power Bi Services
Updated: Dec 12, 2022
Purenetworking have been providing Power Bi services for customers all over the world for the past 6 years. Our Microsoft Power Bi consultants can help you get the most out of your data by helping create powerful interactive dashboards that let you drill down into your data and discover insights into how your business works quicker and easier than ever before.
Our Power Bi consultants work with you in order to fully understand your data needs. We make the implementation of Power Bi into your business a simple and painless experience. Within a few days our Power Bi consultants can create simple yet powerful reporting dashboard that can be used in your business to make informed business decisions.
The reports we create will be visually appealing and easily accessible from your SharePoint intranet, with your MS Teams channel, via the Power BI application or a direct link. Reports will work on any devices, meaning you can get to the data you need using a mobile, tablet or laptop while on the road.
Our data experts will take you through the Power BI journey to ensure we capture the right data and display it in a meaning way to the audience. We can enable security on each report meaning different divisions in your organisation only see the data that they need to.
We can connect and pull information from virtually any system using Microsoft Power Bi inbuilt connectors or via custom created API or 3rd party tools. This means data in your account system can at last be linked to your data warehouse system or marketing platform via a report.
Our Power BI service can help cleanse and model any data that may contain irrelevant or missing information.
The reports themselves will be branded using your company standards and can even be exported to PDFs or PowerPoint templates for those monthly reports. Helping automate and reduce processes that could have previously taken days into a matter of minutes.
Reports will be live all the time and automatically updated every day or hour if needed.
Our Power Bi service doesn't only include the setup and creation of reports we can provide an ongoing support and maintenance package, helping you monthly to make tweaks to existing reports or create new Power Bi dashboards.
Microsoft Power Bi system is the worlds leading reporting tool and comes with and integrates with all of the Microsoft 365 eco system. Our consultants can help your get the most of Power Bi and show you how to integrate it and leverage other 365 tools such as PowerApps, Power Virtual Agent and SharePoint.
If you have further questions of Microsoft Power BI why not check out our Power BI Frequently Asked Questions page here, or look though our Power BI Reporting service by clicking here.
Or better still if you would like to discuss how Power Bi can help automate your business reporting needed then contact one of our UK based Power BI consultants about Purenetworkings Power BI Service.