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Should I Host My WebSite on Office 365?

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Did you know that you can host your website with Office 365? If not you won’t be the first person not to realise that web hosting is available on the 365 platform. Microsoft call the feature “Public Website” and it allows anyone with a valid Small Business, Medium or Enterprise Office 365 subscription to create a website and point there domain to it for the world to see.

It comes with all the features you would expect to see from a web hosting provider, a selection of template designs, SEO functionality and an online editor allowing you to create new pages, change CSS, add videos, images, forms, blogs etc… There is even an App store where people have uploaded extra functionality that you can add to your site if you require. Sounds good doesn’t it! So why isn’t everyone using 365 to host there website? Compared to many website hosting providers the functionality in Microsoft 365 public website are basic, and if you don’t want to use the built in templates then it can be very difficult to get site to look and feel how you would like. We are always amazed at the number of customers we look after that have tried to setup there Public Website on 365 and just given up. Many people just don’t have the time or patience to learn the intricacies of the platform. However for those that need a basic site that looks nice, gives their customers an overview of their company, has a few pages explaining the services they provide and has a contact form / links to social media sites, then using your Office 365 subscription can be an excellent choice. Using Office 365 to host your website will remove the need to pay for external hosting and reduce yet another monthly outgoing something all business are looking to. If you want look into using Office 365 to host your website, why not contact us to discuss your needs…



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